Langston Hughes - tradução para francês
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Langston Hughes - tradução para francês

Langston Hughes         
Langston Hughes (1902-1967) black American poet, author of many of the most famous books from the Harlem Renaissance period (including "The Weary Blues")


·noun One who keeps a tippling-house.
II. Tippler ·noun One who habitually indulges in the excessive use of spirituous liquors, whether he becomes intoxicated or not.


Langston Hughes
| birth_place = Joplin, Missouri, U.S.
Exemplos de pronúncia para Langston Hughes
1. novelist, the playwright, Langston Hughes?
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2. in this Cleveland neighborhood where Langston Hughes
The Color of Law _ Richard Rothstein _ Talks at Google
3. you have your Langston Hughes leaning expert.
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4. Langston Hughes once heard of blues,
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5. from the life of Langston Hughes, the writer, poet.
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